A Band-Aid seems to help ease the pain. Try turning to Jesus to heal any pain you might be feeling today. He is our healer and redeemer.
By The Well
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Following God’s Lead – Sharing His Word
Gathering by the well. That is one thing you can count on in the livestock sector. For instance, our cows gather by the well daily for water. It is usually around lunch time when they come in from grazing and hang out by the well for a drink during the heat of the day. I’m sure you are aware, the most important ingredient for sustaining life in a cow, or any breathing creature on earth for that matter, is water. The same is true for the crops we raise and all vegetation. Even though we rely primarily on the rains from heaven above, we do have wells for irrigation water. Water is the primary source of life for all living things.
This is the very reason why Jesus shows up by the well. He knows that people from all walks of life need to come to the well and draw water for themselves and their livestock. One episode in John 4 we are told about His conversation with a Samaritan woman by the well. This was also about noon during the heat of the day. He ultimately gives her a drink of “living water.” This same living water is what I would like to share with you through my blog.
My intention with these refreshing drinks of water is to come up with different ways to give you something to ponder. Providing insight about how your daily activities can or need to circle back to God. As you know, part of life is getting consumed with busy schedules and the necessity to be reminded of where our focus should be. I pray “By The Well” will ignite your thirst for God’s eternal promise and to seek Him daily.
The Lord has richly blessed me in so many ways and it is my aspiration to expose you to His Grace as well. Please reach out to me anytime. I would love to visit with you, not only about what I do on the farm, but about the loving God whom I serve. I will draw from the well an insight for you to consume each month, so keep checking in and discover a new perspective of “Following God’s Lead – Sharing His Word” By The Well.
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The Rest of the Story
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