“Food” For The Soul
Rumination is common terminology in the Animal Ag sector. The process of a ruminant animal such as a cow (or camel :), chewing her cud, swallowing it, then bringing it back up to chew on it some more. This process is repeated over and over to digest the ration completely. The same is true when we ruminate on scripture. Putting much meditative thought in reading it, swallowing it so to speak, then bringing it back up again to digest what the Lord is trying to tell us. This is the process I go through in writing a sermon. I hope you enjoy my ruminations as I present a message for you to chew on. Digesting the truth found in Christ and His eternal promise for all.
How is your apetite? Help yourself to some of these recipies below and be fed with “Food for the Soul.”
Love Like You Mean It
Jesus shows us how to love like you mean it. Keeping Him in the center of all relationships through repentance and forgiveness.
Watch SermonBehind Closed Doors
What more is there beyond the truth of the resurrection? Like Thomas, find a personal relationship with Jesus, then hang on for a great ride.
Watch SermonYou Shall Not
We do well to keep the "You Shall Not's" written on our heart as they will point us to the sweet message of the Gospel. Christ's Forgiveness.
Watch SermonRun The Race
As believers, we are running the Christian race. Tell others and show them how to run this race to reach the finish line of eternal glory.
Watch SermonWhat Is New?
A new year presents an opportunity for us to prioritize what is most important. What will "be new" for us spiritually this coming year?
Watch SermonWhat a Way to Go
Another year's end brings about plenty of reflection; are we reflecting on our Savior? His chosen "way to go" is the reason for our hope.
Watch SermonAnticipating the Things to Come
The Christmas season is a busy time of anticipating the things to come; but we would do well to remember the true meaning behind Christmas.
Watch SermonHe is Risen
We celebrate a risen Savior - our Lord Jesus Christ. He died and rose again, providing a way for us to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
Watch SermonObedience
Are we willing to lay down our own agenda to be obedient to a higher authority? Our safety and well-being depend on our submission to God.
Watch Sermon4th Cross
Three crosses stood on Calvary's hill. However there was actually a fourth cross. That is the one we must bear by denying our old sinful self.
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